Indy Arts Council

Public Art for All First-Round Grantees Announced

People of Culture

About the grant

Public Art for All Grants make funding available to project partners who have the capacity and desire to address public art equity issues. Thank you to the Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation for their generous support of these grants.

Public Art for All Recipients

Public Art for All Recipient: Still Waters Adult Day Center

A collaborative project that will bring together a local artist and seniors at Still Waters Adult Day Center, many of whom are living with physical and cognitive challenges, to create an outdoor mosaic that celebrates the enduring legacy of their resilience and creativity.

“The mural project is exciting because it will be an art project that all the seniors can actively participate in along with their families, and will engage memories of the time spent creating it every time they see it.” — Still Waters Adult Day Center

Public Art for All Recipient: The Ross Foundation

The Ross Foundation’s project highlights mural art as an important community resource on Indianapolis’ Far Eastside, promoting community pride, access to public art, social cohesion, cultural expression, and neighborhood revitalization through collaboration with local residents. 

“Ross Community Art Project aims to forge stronger community bonds, foster a sense of pride and ownership, and beautify the neighborhood through inclusive and collaborative art initiatives.” — The Ross Foundation

Apply for the second round

Applications for the second round of the Public Art for All grants open Wednesday, May 29 and close Sunday, July 14.