Shirley M. Mueller, M.D. is a physician board-certified in Neurology and Psychiatry. Her talk, “AI, Art, and You” will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Basile Auditorium at Eskenazi Hall at Herron School of Art and Design.
Guests are welcome to join the speaker for a free reception in the Grand Hall following the talk.
While artificial intelligence raises questions about creativity and connection, many artists have overcome these fears, discovering that the emotional depth of human-created art is a secret weapon. True art connects your soul to your viewer’s, reflecting a shared humanity that AI can’t replicate. We’ll explore these concepts, sometimes using neurobiology as the basis in this talk.
Mueller is a well-known expert in Chinese export porcelain. As a board-certified physician in neurology and psychiatry, Mueller explores the motives and intentions of art collectors. Learn more about Dr. Mueller and read her work on Psychology Today or her website.
Parking information:
Complimentary parking (validation provided at the event) is available in the Sports Complex Garage adjacent to Eskenazi Hall or on levels 5 and 6 of the Riverwalk Garage. Thanks to The Great Frame Up, Indianapolis for providing free parking for this event.