Listen to Your Mother Indy

  • Poetry & Spoken Word
  • Indiana History Center

Listen to Your Mother Indy

  • Poetry & Spoken Word
  • Indiana History Center

May 12

4:00 p.m.

Eugene & Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center
450 W Ohio St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202

For the sixth year, Haley Lawrence will direct and present LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER INDY, the national storytelling show that gives motherhood a microphone. This year, the show will feature special guest Marialle Sellars.

Enjoy a well-crafted 90-minute journey of true stories about motherhood—being a mom, having a mom, losing a mom, finding a mom—as many interpretations of the theme of mothering as you can imagine. Local authors, actors, mothers, fathers, kids, and others who have something to say about motherhood will perform original readings live on stage.

This year, LTYM will support the Storytelling Arts of Indiana Mentoring Program for Individuals of Color, so members can attend the National Black Storytelling Festival and Conference sponsored by the National Association of Black Storytellers.

Tickets are non-refundable and cost $25 online and $30, cash only, at the door. Livestream tickets are $15. Free parking is available.

Raffle tickets are $5 each or five for $20, with all proceeds going to the SAI’s mentoring program.

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