Sacred Threads Exhibition

  • Exhibition Opening

Sacred Threads Exhibition

  • Exhibition Opening

Jun 5 – 12

The Sacred Threads Exhibition is a prestigious showcase  whose theme invites artists to explore profound and uplifting concepts such as joy, spirituality, peace, inspiration, grief, or healing through the medium of quilting or fiber art. Submissions must either present an original design or offer a unique interpretation of a traditional pattern. The exhibition comprises two significant segments the Preview Travel Exhibit premiering in Houston during the 2024 International Quilt Festival and traveling through the summer of 2027 before culminating in Indianapolis, and the main exhibit in Indianapolis, scheduled for the summer of 2025. There are specific deadlines for each segment, with fees associated with entry. Quilts must adhere to certain parameters, including size, to be eligible for consideration. Accepted works will be showcased and, if desired, offered for sale, with no commission but an appreciated tax-deductible donation. The jury process, based on digital images and artist statements, will determine the final selection for both exhibits, and artists will be notified of acceptance accordingly.


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