Sometimes Y

  • Literature
  • Poetry & Spoken Word
  • Chatterbox Jazz Club

Sometimes Y

  • Literature
  • Poetry & Spoken Word
  • Chatterbox Jazz Club

Oct 3

6pm – 8pm

Sometimes Y is a monthly free open-mic poetry reading, held at the Chatterbox Jazz Club on the first Thursday of every month. Attendees are invited to sign up for a slot to read their poetry, or just attend and enjoy.  After the poetry, please stay and enjoy live jazz sets by local and visiting musicians.

On October 3, the readings will be themed around the work of Etheridge Knight and his vision of an equitable, democratic society as exemplified by his Free Peoples’ Poetry Workshops.  These workshops, held until Knight’s passing in 1991, are the inspiration for Sometimes Y.

The October 3 event is presented in part with the support of the National Endowment for the Arts. Learn more about how the NEA impacts communities at Additional funding has been provided by the Mass Ave CDC and the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors (MIBOR). To learn more about a jointly held vision for an equitable and democratic society and attend related arts events in your area, visit Cultural Week of Action on Race and Democracy.

Host/team leader: Mat Davis
Co-host (and designated friendly heckler): Michaal LL. Collins

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