
Indy Arts Council Offers Free IndyGo Passes to Artists

Deadline: 12/31/2025

Indy Arts Council Offers Free IndyGo Passes to Artists

Thanks to a grant from the IndyGo Foundation, Indy Arts Council is providing free 10-Trip IndyGo bus passes to artists of any discipline residing in central Indiana.

Artists will receive three free 10-Trip pass every 30 days (while passes last) by completing a short form that includes demographic questions. This information helps us ensure that our programs and services are equitable and that we can be accountable to the community for our equity commitments. The information you provide may be reported to the public; however, it will be reported as part of aggregate statistics without individually identifying information.

Artists who are approved for an IndyGo pass will be notified by email. These passes can start anytime, but once the first trip is started, they need to be used within 30 days or the fares expire. To ensure that those who will really use them have access, please do not apply for a pass that you are unlikely to use up within 30 days.



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