
Postcards to Venice

Deadline: 07/01/2024

Join with ODETTA Digital and the SHIM Art Network in our newest “fast and light” version of hybrid gallery practice.

“Postcards to Venice” revisits the vitality created by the Mail Art and Fluxus movements of the mid-20th century, enabling artists to connect and exhibit one anothers’ works in alternative models to standard gallery practice.

Artist to artist, expanding opportunities to travel your work, it’s within your reach.

Venice!!! Mexico City!!!! Exploration AI and Artsy/Hybridized space, both in person in these major cities and the global online art community

Mexico City: June 8 – 23, #Hashtag Gallery, Durango 272 #4, Roma Norte, CDMX
July: Hope to make a stop in Indianapolis, site TBD
Venice, IT: September 3 – November 3, Palazzo Pisani Revedin, Sestiere San Marco 4013/A, Venezia

Email if you have any questions but get those postcard sized works started. Don’t delay. Maximum 7″ x 7″. The postcards will be exhibited in these locations with the goal of adding in other cities over the year. Along with the physical works on view, we will be screening AI Exploration in each of these venues. Online, all three of your works will be made available on Artsy, hosted by the SHIM Art Network.

Please link to our jotform for the application and more information


June 1: Mexico City: Postcards to have arrived in my mailbox by June 1, along with completed application/jotform. Ideally mail out your postcards by May 25. I will then send out bundle down to Mexico City to arrive by June 5.

July 1: Venice: Postcards to be in my mailbox, along with completed application/jotform

Exhibition Dates:

Mexico City June 8-23 at #hashtaggallery

Venice September 3- November 3 at Palazzo Pisani Revedin

Please check the jotform for other deadlines and address info.

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