Public Art

Town of Clarksville Seeks Public Art Proposals

Deadline: 04/12/2024

Town of Clarksville Seeks Public Art Proposals

The Clarksville (Indiana) Historic Preservation Commission is seeking qualifications of artists interested in creating public art honoring the contribution of brothers George Rogers Clark and William Clark in defining and securing the borders of the young United States to shape the country as we know it. This installation may be in any medium, but should be appropriate for outdoor placement.

BUDGET †$250,000 (including a $10,000 fee to create a scale model for fundraising purposes)

ELIGIBILITY Artists over 18 living in the United States

DEADLINE † Apply by 4 00 p.m. (EST), April 12, 2024.

Download the full RFP here.

Project Details and Goals
The end goal of the project is an installation in the Townís new downtown district along a linear ìtown square.î The first two developments and several sections of the roadway are complete in the area. A hotel, conference center, and Amtrak train station are all planned over the next few years. Multiple types of housing including several blocks of brownstone style homes are also
being planned.

How to Apply
Submit a proposal by email to Planning Director Neal Turpin ( no later than 4 00 p.m. (EST), April 12, 2024. All communications in specific reference to this RFP shall be sent by email to, and should reference the “Clark Brothers RFP”.

Proposal Format and Required Elements

Cover Sheet This cover sheet should be no more than one page and should provide all contact information including mailing address, phone number, and email address (one
Description of Approach Provide the artistís or applicantís typical approach to projects similar to this one, including artistic and historic considerations (1-2 pages).
Expertise Brief description of general qualifications and multidisciplinary nature of the applicant this project (1-2 pages).
Comparable Projects Examples of similar projects in progress or completed by the applicant (up to 3 examples).

The choice of project will be made by the selection committee, which will consist of the following members

Town of Clarksville Historic Preservation President
Town of Clarksville Council President
Town of Clarksville Planning Director
Clark Indiana County Historian
Clark Family and Lewis & Clark Historian

The selection committee will evaluate the proposals on the following criteria

Capacity of the applicant to perform the project within the time limitations, taking into consideration current and planned workload (15 points).
Location of the applicant, distance from Clarksville (10 points).
Proposed cost of the installation (15 points).
Experience of the applicant with this type of project (40 points).
Technical qualifications of the applicant to perform the work (20 points).

Upon completion of the review and evaluation of all proposals by the selection committee, the most qualified applicant will be selected. The applicant will be contacted and invited to
enter into contract negotiations with the Town. Should the selected applicant and Town be unable to come to contract terms, the selection committee will select and contact the
second highest scoring applicant.

During consideration of any responses, the artist shall retain all intellectual property rights to submittals. Upon selection of a submittal, the Town will be seeking a purchase, including
all rights.