Touba Gardens 4-H Club is a non-profit organization (501C3) under the umbrella of Purdue Extensions. We teach youth and their families how to grow food utilizing the Junior Master Gardening curriculum. We’ve incorporated art in the garden to encourage families to tap into their innate creative skills by participating in installing community-led public art displays.
Our programs are geared towards healing as a community which entail: Art is Healing: families utilize art to overcome the many throes of life.Gardening is Healing: families learn how to make healthier food choices and can utilize these skills to create their own home gardens. Not to mention; gardening helps to alleviate stress and provide daily exercise. Youth Farm Hands: providing teens with the opportunity to earn money during the summer months by introducing them to various opportunities within the local food system. Touba Gardens is located in a food desert that’s being re-gentrified; the aim of our programs is to unify the community, as art and food both can aid in connecting residents, as a whole.
Facebook: Touba Gardens