Prime Commonality – U of Indy

  • Digital Art
  • Electronic/Technology
  • Outdoor Sculpture

Prime Commonality – U of Indy

  • Digital Art
  • Electronic/Technology
  • Outdoor Sculpture

The ancestral commonality between humans and chimpanzees is undeniable, with dramatic evidence exhibited in our chromosomal similarities. Prime Commonality is visually inspired by this high degree of correlation as shown in human and chimpanzee chromosomal banding patterns. The sculptures are internally lit and change colors to produce intense visual effects that take advantage of the physical interaction between colored light and translucent filters. The installation is sonically accompanied by a 14 channel surround sound art piece composed entirely of manipulated samples of both the human singing voice and chimpanzee vocalizations. Prime Commonality highlights both our similarities and differences with the shared natural world.

Each of the 2 pillars is approximately 10”W x 10”D x 7’H and is styled to represent human and chimpanzee chromosomal banding using panels of wood and translucent acrylic. Light emanates from within each pillar from internal LEDs. Each pillar also contains a stereo set of audio speakers, player, and amplifier, for a total of 14 independent channels of sound from which a sound art piece plays, composed of digitally manipulated samples of both the human singing voice and chimpanzees. The chimpanzees were recorded at the John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Viewers are engulfed in a stunning visual and aural experience as they are awash in vibrant, evolving color and sound from all directions.