Stone Lantern (Spades Park Rest Stop)

  • Outdoor Sculpture

Stone Lantern (Spades Park Rest Stop)

  • Outdoor Sculpture

Reconnecting to Our Waterways (ROW) is an effort by local artists to highlight the Pogue’s Run Waterway in Brookside Park. The Spades Park Rest Stop is one of three sites along Pogue’s Run funded through ROW. Led by artist Eric Nordgulen, students from Herron School of Art and Design, a team of professional artists, and local residents and stakeholders collaborated on the design and implementation of public art installations centered on waterway issues and inspirations.

Greg Hull’s sculpture, Stone Lantern, allows for a place of meditation and contemplation as visitors explore their relationship to the waterway. In three locations around Pogue’s Run, these sculptures use linear elements of steel to geometrically frame and position the riverbed boulders. Because they are elevated above the ground, visitors can reflect upon the stones’ considerable weight and the impact that wind, water, and the passage of time can impose on this material. This work invites visitors to listen to the sound of water washing and tumbling over stones. This element can be explored by scanning a QR code embedded in the base of the sculpture, connecting visitors with an audio link to the sound of a nearby section of Pogue’s Run.

Greg is an installation artist and sculptor, originally from Richmond, Indiana. He received his BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute and his MFA from the University of Delaware. Currently residing in Indianapolis, Greg is an Associate Professor of Sculpture at the Herron School of Art and Design.

For more information about the artwork, see  http //

For more information about the artist, see  http //